Monday, August 23, 2010

Cowgirl Practice

I'm thinking of becoming a Cowgirl. I've been getting lots of practice. My first event would be calf wrestling. My practice comes every night - in the middle of the night - when Francie's diaper is soaked before her feeding. It's like wrestling a little calf - I'm holding ankles with one hand, holding a little body down with one elbow - all the while changing a diaper and then snapping what seem like 10,000 snaps! (Do the little calves cry lots and lots during this event?!)

My next event I've just started practicing. It would be the greased pig event. This practice started recently when I began using aquaphor on a few little eczema spots. I only use it after Francie's bath - before her pajamas. So now I'm doing the whole ankle thing while she's greased up ... I'm thinking it could be a successful new career for me! I'm searching on-line for a fancy costume as we speak....


Anonymous said...

You would be the most glamorous cowgirl out there!!

Andrea said...

I heard your voice through that whole post! I love it. And I'm sorry about the eczema - Dane has it too and it is tough to keep them from scratching. Also I got so sick of those snaps I finally started buying only sleepers that zipped!