Saturday, October 30, 2010

9 month appt

Francie's 9 month stats:

28 inches long (50-75%)

18 lbs 12.8 oz (50%)

Head - 44.5 (50-75%)

She is such a great little eater and sleeper. This week she had cheese and yogurt for the first time. She LOVED the yogurt. Since she only had a couple of bites of cheese I'll have to try it again. This morning she tried oatmeal - jury's still out on that one. She is so proud of herself for being able to pick up her Cheerios. Once she figured it out - that's all it took! Now she's my little human vacuum. Yesterday alone I took three things out of her hand just before they went in her mouth.

She's still doing great sleeping through the night. She's an early riser (many mornings our wake up call comes around 5:30!) I'm hoping that will soon start to get a little later. She loves people - she leans toward just about anyone who will stop and pay her a little attention. She's not crazy about getting her pj's on at night or getting her diaper changed when she first wakes up. She will take a bottle (if I am not in the same house!), but it's definitely not her favorite. Greg and I were reading the other day about signs that baby will give you when they are ready to give up nursing - clearly Francie is not ready! She loves playdates - play of any kind for that matter. She plays alone really well, too.

I'm sure you can't tell from the picture above :)...but we really are having the time of our lives!

1 comment:

Debi said...

Love the pictures, especially one the of Greg and Francie. Just so sweet looking.
Love you all
