Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The lights are never all green...

As with everything in life - I have realized that the lights will never be all be green at the same time when it comes to sleep training. For the first six months of Francie's life I kept hoping that she would naturally start sleeping through the night on her own. Her pediatrician was happy with the amount of sleep she was getting, so I didn't feel the need to do any "official training". After her six month birthday past she was waking up only once in the night - I could work with that....until we went out of town for a week and that totally threw her off. She woke up every single hour while we were away. Then we came home and she was sick for over a week. From there things just went down hill. From teething, travel, colds, etc there was just never a good time to devote to teaching her how to sleep through the night.

So - this week we decided in was time - despite the fact we will be spending a week in MS next week. Last night was the first night. She went to bed at 6:30 and woke up the first time at 9:00. I nursed her and put her back down. She slept for an hour before waking up to play in her bed for about 45 minutes (this part isn't normal - it's like she knew something was strange). Then she woke up a little after 1:00. Greg went in to tell her we were near by, but that we weren't getting up. She screamed. Five minutes went by and he went back in to tell her we were close. More screaming. Then he waited 10 min, then 15, then 20, and before the 25 minutes were up she was asleep. First training - just under an hour. She woke up at 4:00 and didn't make it past the first 5 mins before falling back to sleep. Then she woke up at 6:00 - her first night without nursing at least once! Night one down - I'll report back tomorrow!

(This was at Nana's a couple of months ago...had to post!)

1 comment:

Amy said...

It's sooo hard but sooo worth it! :)