Fourth word - Uh Oh - 44 weeks
Third and Fourth teeth - 44 weeks
Claps and blows kisses - 43 weeks
Self feeds Cheerios - 39 weeks
Third word - Nana - 39 weeks
Second tooth - 36 weeks
Lets go while standing - 35 weeks
Pulls up - 33 weeks
First tooth - 32 weeks
Cheerios - 32 weeks
Pulls up to knees - 31 weeks
Second word - Mama - 29 weeks
Crawls - 28 weeks
First word - Dada - 28 weeks
Sits herself up - 27 weeks
Pops up on her knees - 26 1/2 weeks
Eats carrots - 26 weeks
Eats cereal - 22 1/2 weeks
Sits up (propped up on arms)- 21 1/2 weeks
First belly laugh - 16 weeks
Rolled over back to front - 15 1/2 weeks
First giggle - 15 weeks
First plane ride - 13 1/2 weeks
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!! How will you ever decide which ones to print?!?! Miss Francie is absolutely adorable.
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